Wednesday, November 17, 2010

It Happens Suddenly...

copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz

A shift. A stepping out. A sudden letting go
Or more a coming back, returning, going home
For just one instant
And an instant further
It is gone

Like fire flies in summer's night
Forgotten, quickly set aside and lost
But still this instant is enough to show
That I am so much more than what I thought

A breath of freedom's air so long forgotten
Yet suddenly remembered.
For but an instant I escape this world, this mind,
This body and surrender

Into a single note within love's symphony that fell
On defened ears for all too long; into my Self
My Truth, my Love, my Life, my Happiness, and my Creator's Song;
Into the home I dreamt I left, from which I thought I was away
For far too long

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ancient Drums

copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz

I have had a slight ringing in my left ear for a while. Also a sense that my ear was somehow clogged up at times. I went to a doctor who looked into it and didn't see an infection or anything atypical. I spoke to my friend Elke about it who is a hypno-therapist and spiritual counselor. We agreed to do a phone session to see if we could find out a little more about it. Elke's main work is with the unconscious mind and how it speaks to us through symbols, images, etc.

We first did a simple meditation with the goal for me to calm down and go inward. She then asked me where in my body, other than in the ear itself, I felt the 'ear problem'. I felt that it was located somewhere in my stomach. I saw it as a round cylindrical hole in my stomach area. From it a red light pulsated in a slow rhythm, not unlike a deep drum. Similar to the sound of a sonar but much lower, deeper and - for lack of a better word - older. "Ancient" was another word that came to mind. The pulsating light created waves that went through my body. The waves were neither uncomfortable nor painful.

When I described this to Elke she asked me to try to see this image outside of myself and no longer inside of me. First, I saw a holographic image of my body standing about 3 feet in front of me.  I saw the round hole and pulsating red light. I didn't want to move the image further away from me and wasn't sure why until I suddenly realized that I was afraid I would lose this deep, ancient, rhythmic drumming sound. As I thought about why I was afraid to lose it, the hologram changed and laid down flat in front of me. One pulsating light became two, then three, four, ten, until a row of lights extended from me all the way to the horizon and into infinity. "Like a homing beacon", I thought.

Elke asked me how it felt and I answered that it felt very reassuring, like an ancient beam of a light house showing the path for sailors lost in the fog. There was no question in my mind that this was the path that would lead me home. I had a sense of 'ancientness' when I looked at the path and listened to the drum. As if this path had been there even before time was. The low drum penetrated to the very depth of my soul, as it seemed. The next question was if the image wanted to tell me something. After a while I heard just two words: "Follow me". I felt a deep sense of being loved - with the love emanating from the beacon towards me. When Elke asked me what the beam needed from me, I answered that the only thing it needed from me was to listen to it. It was clear to me that it didn't really need it for itself but for my sake.

I realized that even though my feet were on the path, there was a traffic sign pole I held on to with one hand. I didn't really move. There is a difference between seeing a path in front of oneself and taking the step and  actually walking it. Elke asked me to let it go and when I did it felt as if I was gently pulled by an invisible string, almost as if walking on a horizontal escalator, like the ones in airports. It was completely effortless to follow the drums and lights. I thought for a moment that in the beginning of ones spiritual journey, we are most likely motivated by pain, pushed by our pain to go on a different path, to change our thinking, our values, etc. Pain pushes us to escape from it, to find a better way. During the journey, our motivation slowly changes. At a certain point on the path we are no longer being pushed by our pain but rather we are being pulled by love, our destination.

That thought brought me to another: As love is the goal of the journey, then the path to love must be connected, joined with it. Through the path, the beacon, I was connected to my destination at all times during the journey. A quote from A Course in Miracles comes to mind while I write this: "Our Love awaits us as we go to Him, and walks beside us, showing us the way. He fails in nothing. He the end we seek, and He the means by which we come to Him." [W-L.302]

[Elke's email address is She works in Florida around the Del Ray Beach area]

Monday, September 20, 2010

Geraldine DeLaCroix

(The beginnings of a short story, copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz)

My name is Geraldine DeLaCroix. French Royalty as the world sees it. A prisoner of my own ancestry as I do. There are times when the court, the royal court, appears to be enough. When life seems to overflow with gatherings and balls and senseless musings. With people, rich and richer, powerful and even more powerful. But when all have left, when I wander these endless halls in solitude, when all that is left is the sense that nothing ever really happens despite everyones desparate conviction to the contrary, in these times I imagine this house to be a nunnery and I am in the service of the Lord our God. In these times the silence and emptiness of the long hallways fills my heart with joy for He fills my being completely. There is no space for idle thoughts and petty imaginings. The fulness of His heart is what I hear, His gentle touch upon my shoulder and His kind words whisper in every step I take on the stone floor. In these moments I walk on hallowed ground. In these moments I am so filled with His love that there are no more words, no more earthly memories and nothing I could ever imagine different from this all encompassing experience.

I imagine the first prayer starting at 3:45 AM. The deep sound of the bell from the main tower crawls into my subconscious, awakens me hours before dawn. I lie on my back with my eyes open for a few minutes, trying to penetrate the darkness. My thoughts find Him before my hands find the candle and the matches next to it. There has never been a time when I woke after sun rise or in the light. Not since I can remember anyway. Another day in the service of my Lord. My name is Geraldine DeLaCroix. I am a nun. And this is my life.

What Is Your Name?

copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz

My name:
A symbol of a symbol
A definition of myself
A fence around something utterly unimaginable
A barrier of protection against an enemy unknown
A very short version of a life's story which in itself is nothing but
A short version of yet another shield against the truth

My name:
Can what you think you know about me be the truth?
I am happy, sad, nervous, kind, a liar, a saint, a lover, a friend.
Is that the truth about me?
Or are all those atributes, the good and the bad, mere parts of yet another part
Carved out of an illusion of myself?
Or is what defines me further, ever further from my truth?
Can a name allow me to experience love?
Or does it hinder its accceptance?

My name:
What you associate with me is not the truth.
It seems to be and everyone agrees to live an image of herself
A picture and a word, a certain meaning just to say 'I am'.
I am not who I think I am.
For I have no name.

Except the one changeless
Written amongst the stars.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz
I am waiting for all of us to remember who we truly are and then to remember each other. But it seems as if we have to remember each other in order to remember who we truly are. They are the same. Who we truly are is each other.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Earthbound Thought

Copyright 2010 by Stefan Bolz

Rain kisses the sunrise on the horizon
Awake, awake, be free at last, my love

No boundaries are set upon you
No will is fixed against your own
Nor will there ever be a time
Where love is absent
From your holy mind
And so you find
Your way back home

Despair was your companion
For all too long.
Yet is there still another path and one
That takes you gently, quietly, and strong
Upon your chosen road beyond
The sun and stars and earthbound thought.