Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Copyright 2011 by Stefan Bolz

Let this world be still
Let its sounds and sights move far into the distance
Of your mind. Let no thoughts of past or present
Or of things to come linger one moment longer
Leave them all behind

The world you will now see is unlike anything you dreamed of,
Anything you hoped for or anything you've lost all hope
Of ever finding once again

It is not ruled by day and night
By time and tide, by chance or destiny
Neither war nor peril can enter through its gates
The futile search, the journey into darkened tombs
The memory of damaged hearts and loss of innocence
Is gone and will return no more into your sight

The gate into the other world is sealed
Against all false ideas you still hold within your heart
And it is there until you finally remember
Until you come, in tears perhaps
Until at last you throw away your shield
And free of it you enter
Until your worn and bleeding feet will find their destined path
Through your own labyrinth and to a place
Where you and I will never be apart

And as you look at it, this world will pass, will gently slide
Into the nothingness from which it came
The other world will dawn wtihin your mind
Far beyond even the moon and stars and all you hoped to find
And what your eyes behold will bare no trace of this one
Other than the loving thoughts you left behind

These will remain and will assure
A swift transition into a world
That you have loved so long before
Before the journey into darkness had begun

And it is here where you will rest in peace
And it is here where you will know that it is done
And it is here the journey ends
In the place where you remember
That you and I are one.